Thursday, September 2, 2010

"share her kinky sense of fun"

Alison's Wonderland has received a brilliant review by the ever-awesome Ashley Lister:

Fortunately, Spice Books and Alison Tyler seem to understand that fairy tales have always been intended for adults.

Not that Alison Tyler is alone in this understanding. She’s managed to find more than two-dozen authors who share her kinky sense of fun. In Alison’s Wonderland there are twenty-seven scintillating stories of fairy-tale shenanigans to set your red shoes tapping and make you wonder what might happen if you go down to the woods today.

It should be noted here that, in excess of 100,000 words, Alison's Wonderland is the largest collection of erotic stories that Alison Tyler has ever published. It should also be noted that this one, possibly more than any other, contains some of the most celebrated names in the world of erotic fiction.

Ashley's right. This *is* the largest collection I've ever done. Nearly twice as long as the first anthology I put together! Alison's Wonderland was a long time coming. I read so many stories, shuffled the tales in so many different way, danced back and forth with my editor (Susan Swinwood) over the selection. Sometimes, I can't believe the book is actually out, that people are currently reading the stories that delighted me so much! I almost feel as if I might wake up and be back in the editing process. But no. The book is done. Really and truly. And I'm so proud to have worked with the 26 authors in the collection.

I adore fairy tales. My first fairy tale collection came out back in 2002 or 03 with Venus and then Plume. But I wrote my first fairy-tale inspired story back in the 80s. And I spent my youth reading the Red Fairy Book and the Blue Fairy Book and Swedish Fairy Tales and Grimm's. I still have my huge, Golden fairy tale book with the gorgeous illustrations. So this collection truly stamped a happily ever after on one of my blank pages.

Read Ashley's full review here.

